grandson lead a group of Doones into town to trade. They were set upon by
a gang of thieves. This woman's husband was the ringleader. Ridd killed
our brother Richard before he was shot himself." ~ Counselor
Doone (Anton Lesser)
A man of small stature but a demanding presence, Counselor is Sir Ensor's eldest living son, after Richard was killed in Porlock by John Ridd's father. He lives much-respected in the valley due to his conniving nature and scheming lies. A clever and often ruthless man, he is more wise than either father or son, and is training Carver to take Ensor's place.
Untrusting of Lorna, and with a violent dislike for John simply due to the importance of their little queen, Counselor prefers to steer clear of Carver's obsession. However, the pupil proves uncontrollable and willful, and while Carver anticipates leadership, Counselor fears that his headstrong nature may take the Doones father than they are allowed to go.
He has a wild stallion on his hands in his son, one that refuses to be tamed, and in the end all will bear the fruits of passionate misjudgment, unless this demanding father can whip his loathsome son into shape... before it's too late.
Character Traits:
Counselor's weapon is not violence as with his son, but cunning. His most apparent trait is that of the darting, clever gray eyes as he spins lies and deceptions as easily as a spider winds its web.
Memorable Moments:
Believing wholeheartedly that their last hope to regain the ancestral lands of his father, Counselor is put up with Carver's languid mourning over Lorna, and at last looses his temper. Convincing his son to take sides with Monmouth in the war, he unknowingly seals the fate of the entire clan.
Memorable Quotes:
"Your grandson lead a group of Doones into town to trade. They were set upon by a gang of thieves. This woman's husband was the ringleader. Ridd killed our brother Richard before he was shot himself."
"If I were you, Carver. I'd keep my mouth shut! You've caused enough trouble as it is. Who authorized the attack on Porlock?"
"Some men inspire loyalty and devotion, while others like myself, merely respect. I have spent years making certain that you were the next captain. I hope to God I haven't been wasting my time!"
"If I would have known about the attack on the Ridd farm I would have advised against it. It was hasty and ill-advised, and I'm sorry for it. There should be no more bad blood between us."