had no way out of marrying a man she hated until you came along. When she's
through, she'll drop you. Oh, she's a Doone alright." ~ Lizzie Ridd (Joanne
A spirited and ingenious girl with a passion for Latin, Lizzie has a powerful hatred for the Doones that murdered her father. Vengeance grows strong in her heart, and she cannot understand why John did not avenge their father years ago. Determined to have a better life, her intentions are to marry above ignorance, and to marry well.
Lizzie is furious with John's choice in a marriage partner, and sets doubts into his mind as to Lorna's true intentions. However, when her own life is threatened in an attack upon the farm, Lorna proves a true friend in rescuing her, and Lizzie must admit that she might have some small place in her heart for her would-be-sister-in-law.
In the meantime, Lizzie's own romance is unfolding with a charming but shy young member of the military; which is held up at the Ridd farm while Captain Stickles recovers from a gunshot wound. They will soon move out, however, and the true question remains... who will propose first?
Character Traits:
Lizzie is a golden-haired, brown-eyed "fireball," with her most noticeable trait being her obvious dislike for their highwayman cousin Tom Faggus ("It's Tom Faggus you want, not our John!" "Uh, oh... lock the door someone."). The proud owner of a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles, she's a cracking good shot... for a girl. Lizzie is smart (she reads Latin and Greek), and bold (who proposed to who?). She's the underlining character for wry humor and dark suspicions who is sadly given relatively small screen time, but is an engaging and often humorous personality.
Memorable Moments:
Who can forget the proposal scene? In which a shy young Sergeant Bloxham is escorted by Lizzie down the path and toward his waiting horse. As he clears his throat and goes through the pre-asking jitters, he stammers, "You know I'm not much with words," and she cuts in swiftly with, "You like me, and you think we should get married after you get your commission." Shocked, he tries to reply but she swiftly heralds, "I agree! You can kiss me if you like." A very bold move for Lizzie. Thumbs-up!
Memorable Quotes:
"She had no way out of marrying a man she hated until you came along. When she's through, she'll drop you. Oh, she's a Doone alright."
"If I were a man, I would have avenged my father long ago! Doesn't anyone hate the Doones like I do?"
"I'm not marryin' some ignorant farmer."
"If you weren't a Doone, I could almost like you."