Counselor: & Carver


Carver: "Why does Ensor waste his time with these peasants?"

Counselor: "If I were you, Carver, I'd keep my mouth shut! Who authorized the raid on Porlock?"

Carver: "I need no authority!"


Carver: "If you're so wise, Father, why didn't Ensor choose you to be his successor? You are his oldest living son."

Counselor: "Some men inspire loyalty and devotion, while others, like me, merely respect, which is why I have spent years making certain you were the next captain. I hope to God I haven't been wasting my time!"


Counselor: "Ensor would be ashamed of you! You made a mistake! You underestimated them."
Carver: "It won't happen again!"
Counselor: "What will you do now?"

Carver: "Take twenty men! Finish the job properly!"
Counselor: "Then you've learned nothing!"
Carver: "What do you suggest?"
Counselor: "Wait."
Carver: "If we lose Lorna, we lose everything."
Counselor: "We haven't lost her yet."


Counselor: "Is this how you think a leader should behave ... getting drunk at all hours of the day?"
Carver: "Go away."
Counselor: "You have responsibilities. It's time to start taking them seriously."

Carver: "What responsibilities?"
Counselor: "You know what they are. It's just that you would rather wallow in self-pity over Lorna."
Carver: "Don't talk to me about her."
Counselor: " It's time to let go. Take another woman if you want one so badly!"
Carver: "Leave me alone, both of you."
Counselor: "Put your mind to it. You can achieve anything. You have greatness in you. Your men would walk through fire for you. Don't let them down."
Carver: "What is it you want, Father?"
Counselor: "We must pledge our allegiance to Monmouth before it's too late. We can go home to our lands in glory ... or we can stay here and rot. That is your choice."

Counselor: "We lost 10 men at Sedgemore, and another 6 after that. That leaves barely more than 30 fit to fight."

Carver: "It's enough! One well-armed man could hold the Doone Gate against an army of 10,000."

Counselor: "We can't defend this place forever! They're hanging anyone who fought with Monmouth. If we stay here they'll kill us all in the end. We should think about leaving."
Carver: "This is Doone land! I will never give it up! We will stand or fall here. I listened to you before, and look what happened. When Lorna comes home she'll find me here, waiting for her."

Counselor: "For heaven's sake! Forget about her now! You've lost her."
Carver: "Never!"