

John: "I don't know why people make such a fuss about birthdays."

Annie: "You'd be sorry if we took no notice."

John: "It wouldn't bother me at all."

Annie: "You can't work all the time!"

John: "Someone around here has to."

Lizzie: "All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy."

John: "I don't suppose you'd consider liftin' a finger?"

Lizzie: "I've got my book to finish."

John: "What good's Greek to a farmer's wife?"

Lizzie: "It's Latin, and I ain't marryin' no ignorant farmer."

John: "Not if he sees you first."


Sarah: "I came here for justice. And all I receive is mockery. May God forgive you for your cruelty."

Ensor: "This woman has suffered enough. We will not press charges."

Counselor: "Are you sure that's wise?"


Ruben Huckaback:  "They stole every penny I had. They beat me and chased me for  sport across the moor. They thought I was dead. Where's my granddaughter? Fetch Ruth!"


John: "If I should ever be ill, I hope my doctor will be as gentle as  you." 
Ruth: "You give me far more credit than I deserve." 


John: "You should be restin'."
Ruben Huckaback: "I don't need a rest. If the law won't do anything, Ruben  Huckaback will!"


Ruben Huckaback: "You get me a musket, I'll fight them myself."


Ensor: "Do you know how far this girl is above you?"


Sarah: "I've just lost my husband! Do you think I want to burry my son as well?"


Sarah: "I always knew he'd come to no good one day!"

Annie: "I'll near nothing against him, Mother. I won't have it!"

Ruben Huckaback: " Of course I can't swear to it, they were Doones!"


Lizzie: "She had no way out of marrying a man she hated until you came along. When she's through, she'll drop you. Oh, she's a Doone alright."


Lizzie: "If I were a man, I would have avenged my father long ago! Doesn't anyone hate the Doones like I do?"


Lizzie:"I'm not marryin' some ignorant farmer."


Lizzie: "If you weren't a Doone, I could almost like you."

Ruben Huckaback: "I saw them distinctly in the fog."

Ruben Huckaback: "Did the fog tie me to my own horse?" "Did the fog that give me  these bruises then?"


Ruben Huckaback: "Is this fair?" "Is this honest?

Ruben Huckaback: "I'm going to take this to the highest authority in the land."


Annie: "You can't stop me havin' who I want."


Annie: "What does it matter, as long as you're happy?"


Annie: "He's good and kind!"


Annie: "I'll only be happy with Tom. And John must have Lorna. We can't help who we love."


Ensor: "You think a stinking patch of mud in the middle of nowhere is a fitting home for the noble Doones?"


Ensor: "My granddaughter has told me of your nonsense," comes the ringing voice. "You must forget it. There can never be a match between you."


Ensor: "My blessing means nothing anymore. You brought your fate on your own heads. Fools you are. And fools you must stay."